got a light-hearted post this evening and it’s one I meant to post at the end
of last year. I turned 27 midway through January so it’s been over a decade
since I was 16. In that space of time, I feel like I’ve made mistakes, learned
a lot but now I’m properly adulting (albeit still living at home). Plus, if you
can’t laugh at yourself, girl you got issues. So what would I tell my
16-year-old self?
Invest in GHDs... They may ruin your hair but it will be oh so worth it and it’s gotta be
better than being a frizzy mess. I didn’t get mine until my 18th
birthday – first world problems, or what?
Makeup – less is more... You definitely have no
reason to re-apply your makeup halfway through the day, at the same time every
lunch. Who you trying to impress, anyway?
Listen to your parents,
they speak a lot of sense... So
you may not always see eye-to-eye but it’s not until they’re gone that you’ll
realise they were probably right all along and you were a spoilt, obnoxious
little bitch
Friends come and go... That’s life. You don’t have
to get along with everyone, but true friends will stick by you – no matter the
distance, your interests or wider social life
Food is important, but
nutrition is too... Having
a love/hate relationship with food will mess you up in later life. Don’t
deprive yourself and don’t binge. Be healthy and you’ll be happy
Haters gon’ hate... Whether it’s your
appearance, your hobbies and interests, your opinions, your friends – someone is
always going to dislike you or have something bad to say. The best thing to do
is ignore it – we’re all different and it would be boring if we were all the
Relationships are hard... You’ll have your heart
broken and/or break someone’s heart. This will only make you a stronger person,
so try not to dwell on it when it all goes wrong. On the plus side, you’ll realise
what a great support network you have
Life isn’t supposed to be
easy... You’ll
make mistakes, learn from them. You may have no idea what you want to do, from
an education or career point of view, but you have time to decide. Work hard
and everything will eventually fall into place
would you tell your younger self?
Lucy xx
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Love, Lucy xx