don’t know about you, but 2015 was a busy year, full of highlights – yet at the
same time, it seemed to go far too quickly and I can’t begin to think where the
months went. I was lucky enough to go on four city breaks as well as a summer
holiday and work trip; I bought a new car; celebrated a number of birthdays and
even went to a wedding. Throw in lots of yummy food at some amazing restaurants
and enough afternoon tea to last a lifetime and the day when Barnet finally got
promoted back to the Football League and you’ve got my year. Here is my year in
picture form:
the beginning of the year, I had said I wanted to make a dent in my ’30 before
I’m 30’ list – you can follow my progress by clicking here. However, I
also set myself two ‘resolutions’, so how did I get on?
(1) Get
back to my post-uni weight
I didn’t manage this one, although I managed to stay the same all year, which
is good. I think it’s got to the stage where I’m beginning to be happy – if I
ever reach my target, I’ll be happy, but if I don’t, it’s not the end of the
world. I’d rather stay the same, than keep fluctuating, as it’s not good for
your health or well-being
(2) Have
a sugar detox
reading I Quit Sugar, I managed to
complete the eight-week programme. But once it was done, I easily went back to
my old eating habits and that was something I really didn’t expect to happen.
Maybe doing eight weeks on, followed by eight weeks off would work better?
Depriving myself for such a length of time made no difference and if anything,
I think I probably binged afterwards
to 2016: what would I like to achieve? Well I have two personal goals and two
blogging goals. I’m not sure how easy they will be to achieve or stick to, but
that’s all part of the fun isn’t it?
(1) Take
time out to relax and unwind in the evenings
it’s a spa day, some home pampering, reading a book or cooking more, I’d love
to make time to just relax. I’d also like to go at least one night a week without
the need for technology. I spend far too long refreshing Twitter, playing Kim K
Hollywood (don’t judge), checking my emails and texting. I’d just like an
evening where my laptop isn’t on and my phone isn’t glued to my hand. I think
both of these would definitely help my sleep pattern too
(2) Spend
more time with friends
wouldn’t really say I have a friendship group and instead have a number of
friends from different parts of my life (childhood, work and blogging to name a
few). I’d love to spend more time with my friends and am aiming for a monthly
catch up. I love lunch dates and can think of nothing better than gossiping
over a bottle of wine or prosecco. Or, a day out would be a lovely alternative
(3) Reach
don’t get me wrong, I don’t care about numbers. I started blogging because I
love writing and wanted my own little space to document my thoughts in the
hope that someone would read it. But my view count is close to 100,000 – yet my
Bloglovin follow count isn’t even at 100. People may follow by other means, but
there is nothing more depressing getting that weekly email with -1 showing in the follow count. I’m
going to take the step to buy a template in the New Year, so hopefully a new
look might entice followers! You can follow me on Bloglovin by clicking here
(4) Go
to more meet-ups/events
was lucky enough to attend the Suffolk Bloggers Meet organised by Daisy in
October and I had so much fun. I met some great girls, which is what the
blogger community is all about. Living in Essex, but within distance of London
and Suffolk, I’d love to attend more events and meets, but really don’t know
where to start. The majority of my friends I know from blogging so it’s been
such a great hobby to have, I’m just not a fan of the ‘Twitter Cliques’
wish you all a Happy New Year and the best of luck with any resolutions or
targets you’ve set yourselves. Leave your links below so I can see what you’re
aiming for in 2016.
Lucy xx
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Love, Lucy xx