St Paul’s Cathedral: trip to London ~ Standard sleep-in
roller selfie ~ Red
velvet cupcakes ~ Interview
selfie ~ Barnet
v Morecambe ~ Happy
Mother’s Day
On Monday I went to London for the day. My mum’s a
teacher and her class had a trip to the Golden Hinde. She needed extra helpers
to look after a group of children so I went along. It was a really good day,
despite being absolutely freezing. I got a few pictures along the way, but St
Paul’s looked beautiful with the sun on it!
I’m addicted to my sleep-in rollers now and this time
round I used them on damp hair, being sure to use loads of mousse. I think
practise makes perfect and my hair looked better this time round. The following
night I wore my hair in a bun and when I woke up on Wednesday it was even
curlier! I love having big hair!
I failed my driving test on Wednesday (boo!) so to
console myself, I baked red velvet cupcakes. You can find my blog post here (thank you Vicky!). It was the
first time I baked them and they turned out really well, other than the icing –
which I will need to practise. I think baking Wednesdays have made a comeback!
I had an interview for a receptionist job in London on
Friday. I think it went really well, but we’ll have to wait and see.
Unfortunately a 15 minute walk from the station in the pouring rain did my hair
no favours. My dress is the one I wore for my Valentine’s meal and is from AX Paris (cost £25).
On Saturday, daddy and I went to Barnet. The Bees won
4-1, despite losing. One of the players girlfriends was sitting in front of us (the
other week she sat behind us and my dad spoke Spanish to her, because she doesn’t
speak much English!). Whenever we win, my dad buys me a milkshake from
ShakeTown, but once again the parlour was shut – gutted!
Sunday was of course Mother’s Day, so here’s a picture of
bubba Luce and my mummy. My brother and I made Sunday lunch for her and it
turned out really well. We cooked a joint of roast beef with vegetables, my
brother made the starter and I baked a cake with custard for dessert. It was
really lovely to be able to do something for my mum that we know she’d
appreciate – she’s so selfless.
Did you all have a good week? How did you spend your
Mother’s Day?
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Love, Lucy xx