flash – there’s absolutely nothing wrong with turning 30! I don’t know what I
was worrying about. My Birthday was on a Thursday and I received a bonus day
off from work, booking the Friday off as we went to Luxembourg for the weekend.
I’ve got older, I’ve been really unfussed about my birthday – a far cry from my
former younger self that loved getting spoilt and being centre of attention.
But that hasn’t stopped me prolonging the celebrations – we hosted friends at
ours two weeks ago for drinks and nibbles and I was out in MK with the girls at
the weekend. I thought I’d share this post anyway!
keepsake pictured above was from my lovely neighbour and friend – a great way
to remember hitting my 30s. The box is all handmade and really delicate; I love
all the relief and detail on it. I keep it on my dresser, away from little
hands – as when the lid is removed, two of the sides fold down. It’s so nice to
have a memento that can be treasured forever.
the money I received, some of it was transferred into Euros for spending money,
but the main bulk is currently in my bank account. With my birthday so close to
Christmas, I always struggle with what to buy. As I was fortunate enough to get
everything I wanted at Christmas, I might just save it to update my
spring/summer wardrobe or treat myself to a new perfume when I need some.
we were going away, Ash and I agreed we wouldn’t do presents this year, but he
did buy me Esther’s book ‘paper home’. Est even signed the book for me! I also
got some sheets of the lovely papers she uses, so there’s no doubt I’ll be
folding soon... I’ve already got my eye on all the origami flowers. It will be
nice to be able to make gifts for family and friends too. Just in case you were
wondering, I bought Ash a new pair of football boots for his Sunday night
six-a-side sessions.
I mentioned, we hosted drinks for friends and the drinks were certainly
flowing. My wonderful friend Vicky came up from London to celebrate, and she
came armed with a bottle of craft gin and a bottle of Lanson. My friend Vanessa
bought me a Whitley Neill set with a glass and bottle of raspberry gin, while my
friends Laura and Maxine bought me prosecco! The gorgeous small Yankee was from
Max too – I’m always burning candles, so can’t wait to use this one (I’ve
already smelt it, and it’s lush).
went practical with a trio of Boden socks (much needed, as I only had three
pairs in my drawer) and the cute Cath Kidston cosmetics bag. It was just the
right size for my makeup while we were away, as I only had hand luggage. My
other present from her is completing something off my bucket list – feeding the
giraffes! Mum printed out the details of the experiences available around here:
Woburn and Whipsnade, as well as Colchester Zoo. I’ve not yet decided when or
where I will do it, but I’m going to look at the packages in more detail to see
which one works out best. No doubt, I’ll be making it a family trip and would
love to have Alfie with me, as he loves giraffes too! His favourite is Sophie
La Girafe. I’m so excited!
not pictured were a few joint presents we got. Ash’s auntie and uncle gave us a
voucher for Nonna’s, a restaurant in Woburn Sands. It’s a really lovely
independent place, which specialises in Italian/Maltese cuisine. I’ve been
before with the girls (and I had the most wonderful vongole linguini, which
rivalled Sicily), but Ash has never been so I look forward to going with him –
especially as I’ve sung its praises so much. His colleagues also gave us a
voucher for a rum tasting experience. It was a thoughtful idea, as we don’t do
much together. And while neither of us are drinking at the moment, I’m sure it
will still be fun – although I’m not too sure what’s included or what the
package entails.
having a birthday and busy social calendar, January was the longest and
toughest month ever. I’m glad it’s February and finally, the mornings are
lighter... roll on spring!
Lucy xx
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