- Scrumptious blueberry swirl
- The British barbecue
- Omega booster seeds
- Hot cross yum
Only one
new snack in this box – the Omega Booster Seeds; a mix of sunflower and pumpkin
seeds with golden linseed. I didn’t ask for this through the ‘send soon’ option
but as it was still something yet to try and my settings are fixed so I get new
snacks over ‘likes’ and ‘loves’, it arrived in my box. From here it went
straight into my virtual bin. I didn’t enjoy it at all, it was just too boring
and there was no real flavour, other than the taste of toasted seeds. It was
definitely missing something and I’d have preferred if it had a flavour
(chilli, or barbecue, for example).
Hot Cross
Yum is one of my favourite Graze creations of all-time; while I recently
downgraded the Scrumptious Blueberry Swirl from ‘love’ to ‘like’ – the yogurt
coated raisins are incredible! The British Barbecue is another punnet I like to
receive occasionally.
Follow this link to receive three complimentary boxes – remember
you can pick any snacks you like and can also cancel at any time. There are so
many new treats to try – and you can even search by ingredients you like!
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Love, Lucy xx