August’s book: Sugar & Spice

Sugar & Spice is the third and final book in Lauren Conrad’s LA Candy series – and like the two previous titles, is full of shocks, surprises and drama.
Season Two of Pop TV’s hit reality show LA Candy is in full-swing and we pick up from where previously left off: Jane and Madison still aren’t talking, Scarlett is dating former crew member Liam and it appears Jane and Scarlett’s friendship is back on track – but things will soon change for all the girls.
In Sweet Little Lies (book two), Madison was being blackmailed by an unknown source; having hired a private investigator, it is revealed this mysterious source is her sister! As we’ve been led to believe, Madison isn’t who she says she is and family secrets are soon let out of the bag – particularly after a few drinks and in front of an audience! Of course, the truth always comes out and she deserves it for the way she treated Jane. Expect fireworks as everything is revealed at a celebrity party!
Meanwhile, Jane’s love life receives blow after blow – does she want Jesse and can she even change him from his drunken ways? Braden always seems to be at the back of her mind but he’s now moved away to make it as an actor. Childhood sweetheart Caleb is back on the scene but is it love or is she just comfortable in his company? Will it even be possible for them to give it another go after before?
Gaby seems to be her same usual self, until she gets her own publicist. Too wrapped up in Hollywood’s view of perfection, she certainly receives more attention and air time, but it’s no good thing! And talking of which, what happens when Madison’s sister hooks up with an unlikely source?
The real twist in the tale comes when Jane finds Trevor’s notebook – full of his plans for the series. Sparks will fly when the protagonist realises fame isn’t what it’s cracked up to be and reality involves some kind of manipulation. Does this spell the end of LA Candy and what will happen to the foursome next?
An excellent finale and possibly my favourite in the trilogy, LC has a wonderful writing style that keeps you captivated and thoroughly involved in the characters’ lives. As a former star of reality TV herself, Lauren knows the ins and outs of the celeb scene and is no stranger to what goes on when the cameras aren’t rolling. An easy read, but a brilliant one nonetheless. I thoroughly recommend the trilogy.

Next up – The Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Weisberger

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